Happy New Year 2017,Happy New Year 2017 Images,Happy New Year 2017 Wishes,Happy New Year 2017 Quotes,new year images 2017

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Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts

Sunday 25 December 2016

[Top 50] Happy New Year 2017 : Best Top Film 2016 UK

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year 2017 Best Ttop Film 2016 UK : Hi all Happy new year 2017 is coming so that i am here with a new post which is best films 2016 in UK of  happy new year 2016 movie .

Happy New Year 2017 Best Ttop Film 2016 UK

1 Anomalisa

Charlie Kaufman’s stop-motion puppet film Anomalisa (which he co-directed with Duke Johnson) could be a caustic remark of the human condition with the unsettling quality of a plain dream. it's a masterpiece that inhabits its own spectrum of strangeness. selecting to giggle or frightened by it's a similar as selecting between the blue pill and therefore the red pill within the Matrix.
David Thewlis voices archangel, a depressed psychological feature speaker who has checked into a bland building in metropolis, Ohio, to allow a speech to his fans. The building is termed Fregoli’s, named when the Fregoli delusion, a condition within which sufferers believe that everybody they see is that the same person in some kind of disguise.

Read :Happy New Year 2017 Sayings

Michael broods guiltily over an ex-girlfriend within the town whose heart he bust a few years before, however makes an emotional and sexual reference to a soused admirer staying at a similar building, there to listen to him speak. She might be an anomaly in his world of dullness and alienation (“Everything’s boring,” he mutters) and her name is Lisa, therefore the film’s title.

Jennifer mythical being actress is Lisa’s voice. however everybody else’s is that of Tom Noonan – Noonan’s heavy male voice pours out of everyone’s mouth, as well as that of his spouse.
Is archangel having a breakdown? removed from home, within the lab-like conditions of an Identikit building, he embarks on an extended spasm of panic; he sees everybody encompassing him to be spookily a similar, with a similar humanoid-puppety faces. sort of a creepy community in Associate in Nursing Ira Levin heroic tale, all the folks around archangel appear – to him – to possess a similar uncanny, unknowable agenda: a secret that he’s not in on.

More : Happy New Year 2017 Whatsapp Videos

As for archangel himself, need – grimly, naggingly implacable need – remains at the core of his consciousness: need for one thing new, one thing else, one thing that may bring him happiness eventually. He journeys onward, in his incommodious and miserable manner, basic cognitive process that the tract can amendment, and therefore the sky can amendment, and therefore the answer to life’s riddle or equation are extruded from the uninteresting matter of existence.
But it ne'er is. Differentness morphs fiendishly into a similar factor, over and over. And however for all this, Anomalisa could be a terribly funny, fascinating, even weirdly sensual film. It explores the attention-grabbing however little-discussed fascination of the anonymous company building – however its namelessness is liberating and exciting.

Michael and Lisa have one among the foremost spectacularly real sex scenes I actually have ever seen on film; the actual fact that they're puppets makes them additional unsuppressed participants than flesh-and-blood actors might are.
There is a tinge of greatness concerning Anomalisa, and concerning Charlie dramatist himself.

2 Son of Saul

The Holocaust could be a subject thus immense, thus brutal so uncompromisingly repulsive that it's defeated nearly each director who has dared take it on: even the foremost assured film-makers appear to quail before the alarming responsibility of massacre, torture and sexual pleasure – and, basically, pull their punches. this is applicable the maximum amount to the hyperreal dynamism of Schindler’s List to the eyes-averted sentimentality of Life is gorgeous, to the bathetic strains of The player. solely documentaries – Alain Resnais’ haunting Night and Fog, the epic Shoah, the recently reconstructed German Concentration Camps Factual Survey – have gotten near penetrating the mysteries of this most cataclysmal of human horrors.

More : Happy New Year 2017 Quotes

But documentaries will solely tell you thus much; all they will affect is what has been left behind. that is wherever Son of Saul comes in: this is often a drama that pitches you, with no concern whatever, right into the centre of the hellish stream of a Nazi stockade, its screaming chaos, piled-up corpses and deathly panic. With a camera shoved for good right within the face of its central character – a Sonderkommando instrument of execution attendant known as Saul – this is often raw, pitiless cinema, wherever the trauma and pathology of the camp inmates, yet because the unthinkably grotesque nature of their every day living conditions, is created irresistibly clear. Leading actor Géza Röhrig turns Saul – UN agency is seeking to increase his certain-to-end time period by a matter of days, even hours, to undertake and hunt down what he suspects is that the body of his son – into a death-haunted figure like a living ghost. nobody will apprehend sure what went on during this alarming subworld, however this film incorporates a conviction and credibility in its detail which means its impact is overwhelming.

3 Arrival

Of all the appalling injustices exacted by the Golden Globe nominations earlier on (wot, no Kate Beckinsale?! Aaron Taylor-Johnson for Nocturnal Animals not archangel Shannon?!) the shortage of nominations for Arrival appeared among the foremost difficult . Granted the 2 it did devour were within the areas within which Denis Villeneuve’s cerebral sci-fi shines the brightest: Amy Adams’s leading role, and the score. But still. very no recognition for Eric Heisserer’s extraordinary playscript (adapted from tough guy Chiang’s Story of Your Life)? The direction? or simply for being a damn fine drama?

Arrival could be a picture that prejudices concerning the genre, or qualms concerning the premise (Adams could be a linguist UN agency interprets for new landed aliens), may need had you lowering your expectations. You start with mind blown, nails absent and tissue offer severely depleted. Yes, it’s set among house beasties, however it's a picture completely concerning the human condition, concerning however we elect UN agency to like and the way to like them.

More : Happy New Year 2017 Cards

It is a heroic tale that includes helicopters and Forest Whitaker shouting, however it's ne'er ever dumb, solely interesting. And it's out and away the foremost thoughtful unharness this year. It informs and explores ideas subconsciously common to America all concerning our interaction with language, and therefore the past and therefore the future. In what it suggests concerning however we have a tendency to expertise time in a very rather more non-linear fashion than most standard narratives, it is, I think, overwhelming. we have a tendency to square measure stuck in shuffle, says Heisserer, we have a tendency to don't withstand forever within the gift.

4 a bigger Splash

David Hockney’s celebrated painting of the title doesn’t truly seem in a very larger Splash, however a similar sense of sunbaked, symptom bank physiological property permeates this superbly region chamber drama from Italian director Luca Guadagnino. It’s truly a remake of a Jacques Deray film from 1969, La Piscine, with Alain Delon, Romy Schneider and Jane Birkin; in Guadagnino’s version, the stress is altered to create Schneider’s character Marianne – currently reinvented as Tilda Swinton’s near-mute, Bowie-ish rocker – the polar figure.

More : Happy New Year 2017 Wishes for Mother

In what's basically a four-hander, Swinton’s Marianne has people to a vacation home – equipped, of course, with a limpid natatorium – on Pantelleria, the Italian island shortly from Africa. She is {trying|making Associate in Nursing attempt|attempting} to preserve her voice when an operation, and has for company hunky film-maker Matthias Schoenaerts. Into this idyll slimes Ralph Fiennes’s Harry, a utterer record producer and former young man of Marianne, clearly making an attempt to win her back by driving a wedge between her and her new beau. His main weapon: slinky Dakota Johnson, his girl, whom he subtly aims at Schoenaerts.

5 fire at sea

Europe’s response to the migrant question is that the subject of this advanced, mysterious, refined and beautifully photographed documentary portrait by the Italian film-maker Gianfranco Rosi.It shows scenes from the every day lifetime of Lampedusa, the Sicilian island that is on the front of this crisis. Desperate souls from Africa and therefore the geographic area arrive there in horrifyingly unsafe inflatables each week; thousands die around its coast.

More : Happy New Year 2017 Messages

Rosi focuses on one mischievous boy, Samuele, UN agency is being treated for a lazy eye by a doctor who should additionally tend to the migrants and do autopsies on their corpses. The doctor, who is that the purpose of contact between the autochthonic islanders and therefore the traumatised incomers, is himself changing into sick and depressed by this terrible burden.

6 Love & friendship

Remember however folks get additional misanthropical as they get older? Not writer. She was solely nineteen once she wrote woman Susan, Associate in Nursing informal novel, and tho' sharp social caustic remark clearly remained to a small degree of a staple for her, Jane Austen was ne'er as drippingly malevolent  as once young. Even the spikiest of her later work contains some component of real romance: here, the conception is dead, replaced by naked backstabbing, cheerful unfaithfulness, opportunist lust and cold, cold hearts.

Few folks have browse the book; we’re lucky that veteran director smidge Stillman was among them. the person whose own debut, Metropolitan, was an Austen-like comedy of manners set among Manhattan’s young  upper crust, has done wonders with our Jane’s young  endeavour: punching up the dialogue, absolutely realising the characters, adding gags and asides and intertitles – and casting it utterly.

7 little Men

Ira Sachs’s very little Men could be a superbly acted people drama, a returning older, boy’s own story of lost relationship and a discouraged satire concerning restoration – all composed with scrupulous empiric care.Greg Kinnear and Jennifer Ehle play Brian and Kathy, a good if somewhat self-pitying guy and his spouse. Brian is an actor whose career is dying, and once he inherits a property in borough from his late father there's an opportunity for a few real money stability. He realises he's among his rights to hike the rent being charged to the girl who incorporates a shop within the downstairs apartme

8 The Revenant

With The Revenant, Alejandro González Iñárritu goes Terrence Malick – not that he required abundant encouragement – for a very handsome study of a personality's encounter with nature at its rawest: each gruesomely bloody and crystalline in its beauty. Iñárritu and Malick currently share a similar photographer, the multi-Oscar-winning Emmanuel “Chivo” Lubezki, and little question Malick’s influence is being felt within the Revenant’s additional ecstatic, visionary sequences. however there’s attention, and narrative ambition, that's completely Iñárritu-esque (if that's a word) and that pitches The Revenant sooner than Malick’s recent experiments in thought-synthesis.

9 Weiner

If this year’s America presidential election has taught us something, it's that celebrity or infamy is translated into electoral success. however it’s exhausting to visualize however which will apply to the imploding anti-star of yankee politics: Anthony Weiner, immortalised within the year’s most dreadfully watchable documentary, by cod Kriegman and Elyse cartoonist.

Weiner was a gifted Democratic politician who seemed to have overcome sex scandals from his time in Congress and was running for brand spanking new royal family politician. He was clearly a wise, vigorous, committed guy. on the other hand he has got to quit – a catastrophe that the film captures in real time – once it becomes clear he has not kicked his habit of texting and tweeting lewd photos of himself to ladies.

10 Sausage Party

Say what you wish concerning Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg: they dance with those that brung them. And since those that brung them are foul-spoken, filth-obsessed dopeheads, Sausage Party is originate to plain. It’s Associate in Nursing insanely surreal animated comedy concerning talking food market food (who aforementioned they’ve been smoking too much?), that is finished with all the polish of a Pixar or blue air production. however it ventures (or ought to that be staggers woozily) into territory nobody else would dare to. the ultimate consumables-orgy scene is that the one that got censors in a very twist across the globe; and, whereas the spectacle of food things going at one another each that manner is, to place it gently, not like something ever seen before in thought recreation, it’s truly the bit wherever Sausage Party’s otherwise sensible brain finally turns to mush.

11 Victoria

Sebastian Schipper’s Victoria could be a interesting heist drama assault the streets of Berlin that plays go into real time in one continuous, 138-minute camera shot, carried on on an enormous skittery wave of neurotransmitter and supplying daring. Shooting this should have felt like propulsion off an actual bank job, with the impressive levels of designing and deceit it sure enough entailed. sort of a robber, Schipper should are fearful of some random passer appearance and wrecking everything.

Now, there’s historically a good little bit of cinephile masculinity concerned within the continuous trailing shot, each doing it and complimentary it. No picture flourish attracts attention to itself quite as definitely as this, with its swaggering mastery of your time and house. Despite murky club scenes, Schipper doesn't seem to possess used darkness to cheat in cuts, the manner film director did together with his single-take movie Rope, from 1948. However, it ought to be aforementioned that the sequences with music overlaid on silence do produce a bearing of taking the action in short outside the movement of real time, the manner a montage may in a very additional conventionally emended film. however this doesn’t create any distinction to the robe’s seamlessness.

12 The Assassin

Hou Hsiao-hsien’s stunning and mysterious film The Assassin arrives here when a sensational premiere in city last year, wherever its hypnotic adagio earned  Hou the director’s prize and connoisseurs hailed it as a masterpiece. For me, a second viewing unconcealed additional of this film’s sexy quality, additional of its potential as an anti-violence parable, or maybe a mythic treatment of childhood abandonment and therefore the hunt for closure. i like it much, however I can’t provide The Assassin all my heart owing to its obscure quality, and my feeling is that while not school assignment, a number of the film remains to a small degree impenetrable. however this is often a part of what makes it exigent and difficult.

13 Nocturnal Animals

Nocturnal Animals delivers a double shot of horror and Nabokovian despair: it’s excessive, outrageous, a story among a story concerning the super-rich and super-poor. Director Tom Ford has custom-made capital of Texas Wright’s 1993 novel Tony and Susan, magnifying its cruelties and ironies, and transfer to that a radiance of hardcore pornography and pure provocation.

This picture had its premiere at metropolis earlier this year, and it had been as as dreadfully interesting and intimately displeasing this second time around. however currently i used to be stricken by its stress on the writer’s brooding, solitary life: the author for whom autobiographical fiction is medical care and revenge. look this film, I found myself curious however Evelyn Waugh’s 1st spouse felt once she received her copy of a couple of mud, and accomplished precisely however the author felt concerning her.

14 Room

Claustrophobic horror offers thanks to muscle-clenching suspense during this film, and so to one thing else, to a refined and unguessable third act. it's Emma Donoghue’s screen adaptation of her 2010 novel Room; the director is Lenny Abrahamson, UN agency brings his experience within the pathology of shunning and shame.

A missy (Brie Larson) has been kidnaped and jailed for years by a psychotic abuser; she and her young son Jack (Jacob Tremblay) are forced to measure in a very small area with rudimentary cookware, toilet and washbasin, secured by an important steel door with Associate in Nursing electronic key code. each evening, the person (Sean Bridgers) comes in with provides, and to rape the girl whereas Jack is coiled asleep within the wardrobe.

15 The Club

Pablo Larraín is that the Chilean director who has created advanced, distressful and oblique movies a few country rising from denial concerning the Pinochet era and therefore the lenient manner that era was permissible to finish. He sees a heritage of unresolved ill will and concern, and his cinema depicts a brand new quite biological process pain which may solely be fatal.

How much to forgive? what quantity to forget? In his Post Mortem (2010), a building attendant throughout the 1973 Pinochet coup is asked to anatomize an explicit vital body and pressured to come back to conclusions favourable to the coterie, whereas in No (2012), Larraín showed a billboard White House paradoxically avoiding negativity within the anti-Pinochet “no” campaign throughout the presidential vote fifteen years later, apparently basic cognitive process that strident criticisms of Pinochet might be harmful, which it would be inexpedient to confront or embarrass all those prosperous Chileans UN agency didn't challenge his reign.

16 Spotlight

Hard-hitting paean to old-school investigatory journalism, prima Mark Ruffalo and archangel actor as reporters on a team UN agency spearheaded the Boston Globe’s 1990s investigation into clerical sex abuse.

17 Our little sister

A tenderly determined story of 3 sisters whose lives are plagued by the arrival of a fourth friend, a half-sister, from Japanese movie maker Hirokazu Koreeda.

18 Paterson

Jim Jarmusch’s slow-burn study of a bus-driving author, vie elegantly and enigmatically by Adam Driver, whose apparently happy life in New Jersey suffers surprising disruption.

19 Hell or High Water

Robustly spectacular bankrobber picture that carries a number of the charge of the Hollywood new wave, prima Chris Pine and mount Foster as brothers on a sophisticated criminal mission.

20 Mustang

Surprisingly partaking comedy-drama concerning 5 Turkish sisters and their travails below restrictive, ancient customs by first-time director Deniz Gamze Ergüven.

21 Doctor Strange

Marvel’s freaky, surreal tale of Benedict Cumberbatch’s superpower-encumbered medic, enlisted by Tilda Swinton’s Ancient One to fight the evil Mads Mikkelsen.

22 American Honey

Brit movie maker Andrea Arnold heads to the America for a raucous, scabrous road trip following a bunch of hard-partying youngsters as they sell magazine subscriptions door to door.

23 Things to come back

An exceptional performance by Isabelle Huppert ballasts Mia Hansen-Løve’s study of a philosophy faculty member encumbered in mid-life crises.
Read and watch full list Here : https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/nov/29/the-50-best-uk-films-of-2016-full-list
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Thursday 25 August 2016

2017! Happy New Year HD Wallpapers Images Free

2017! Happy New Year HD Wallpapers Images Free

Happy New Year 2017 HD Wallpapers : Happy New Year wallpapers Images for free download are available here. Best new year 2017 quotes wallpapers and Happy New year poem 2017 HD Images are given in our site.Download these New Year Wallpapers and Images for your whatsapp and facebook.

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Happy  new year wishes and greetings for your loved ones in the form of Images and Wallpapers are listed below.Long press on the respective Happy new year 2017 quotes HD wallpapers which you liked to download it for free.

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Happy New Year 2017 HD Wallpapers and Images

Happy New Year 2017 HD Wallpapers and Images

Happy New Year 2017 HD Wallpapers and Images

Happy New Year 2017 HD Wallpapers and Images

Happy New Year 2017 HD Wallpapers and Images

Happy New Year 2017 HD Wallpapers and Images

Happy New Year 2017 HD Wallpapers and Images

Happy New Year 2017 HD Wallpapers and Images
Best Happy New Year Wallpapers and Images are given here, for more such wallpapers check this site



BEST! Happy New Year 2017 Quotes

BEST! Happy New Year 2017 Quotes


Happy New Year 2017 Quotes

Happy New Year 2017 Quotes : Best New Year 2017 Quotes,Poems,Wishes and Greetings for 2017 are given here.This Happy new year poems the fresh year which is celebrated on the first day of the New Year, it is the most fabulous moment which comes with various hopes and expectations for people. It is a day which can be called as New Life where people like to start new life by forgetting the past’s bitter experiences. People from different countries in the world celebrates this day with full of fun and enjoyment.

Happy New Year 2017 Quotes Poems Sayings Wallpapers

Happy New Year 2017 Poems [SHORT] : 

"New Year is a time for celebration,
of love, of life, of Friendship,
Therefore, it is the time to thank God,
for the wonderful friends,
and to bring to their lives,
as much magic as they bring to ours,
Have a happy and a memorable holiday!"

"May the spirit of the season of,
New year fill your heart,
with serenity and peace,
Wish you a happy new year!"

"Simply learn that life is a Book,
Everyday is a new Page,
Every month is a new Chapter,
Every year is a new Series!"

"I would say happy new year but it’s not happy;
It’s exactly the same as last year except colder,

My Wishes in 2017,
God gives You,
12 Month of Happiness,
52 Weeks of Fun,
365 Days Success,
8760 Hours Good Health,
52600 Minutes Good Luck,
3153600 Seconds of Joy..and that’s all!"

"Before the golden sun sets,
2017’s calender is destroyed,
And mobile networks get jammed,
I wish in 2017 every moment is enjoyed!"

Come come come
Waiting for you, me and my mum
Happiness is about to turn
The new year is there with a lot of chump.
Enjoy the ride
Take the bite
All is right

Because it’s a new year night.
Pleasures are coming,
Flowers are blossoming,
Happiness is surrounding,
What else you are finding?
Happy new year

Angels in the sky,
Birds who fly,
Flowers who shy,
Children who cry,
All are saying goodbye.
Happy new year 2017.

All the moments spent with our friends,
We have to say bye,
Happiness doesn’t end,
Get ready for excess joy.
Happy new year.

Give and take,
Let us celebrate,
Enjoy the glorious year,
By removing the others tear.

The people who live by hand and mouth,
They are only waiting and shout,
They want to enjoy the trout,
Don’t forget and celebrate the new year without,
Poor, rich, disable and scout.

Read it once,
Enjoy it twice,
All the special moments,
Cheerful, charming and nice.

The things which have left,
The bird with a little hope, sitting on his nest,
The new year is coming and near,
Get started and try to achieve your best.

Starts who twinkle,
Problems who mingle,
How to become happy,
It’s difficult because still single.

Best Happy New Year Quotes 2017 :-

If Only I Could Do With My Words What You,
With Your Arms And Legs And Hands, Do,
Girl Of The Tzabarim Dance.

You Let Your Body Go.
You Let The Music And God Flow Through You.
No False Smile; Only The Subtle Bliss
Of One Possessed By The Dance.

The Feeling Threatens To Overwhelm You;

You Master It Into A Graceful Gesture, A Delicate Turn.
You Let The Music Of God Possess You.

You Dance Like The Women Danced
When David Slew The Philistine,
Girl Of The Tzabarim Dance.

If only I could do with my words what you,
with your arms and legs and hands, do,
girl of the Tzabarim dance

"As this year is ending, I wish all the negativity and,
Difficulties also end with this year and 2017,
Bring success and desired results for you!"

"As the New Year renews all the happiness and good tidings,
Hope the joyful spirit keeps glowing in the your heart forever,
Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year to you. Wish this year brings to the warmth of love,
and illuminates your path of life towards a positive direction,
Happy New Year!"

"New is the year, new are the hopes, and new is the resolution,
New are the spirits, and new are my warm wishes just for you,
Have a promising and fulfilling New Year!"

"Dear New Year, Please let me, my family, my colleagues,
My clients and my friends be just happy in this time,
Fill Your Life With Happiness & Bright Cheer,
Bring to You Joy and Prosperity For the Whole Year,
And it’s My New Year Wish For You Dear,
Wish You a Very Happy New Year!"

Happy New Year 2017 Messages :-

Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it. So never step back and always have courage to accept new challenges. Wishing you a very happy new year 2017.
Let me wish you a very Happy New Year before the phone lines get jammed and internet hanged. Happy New Year 2017 !
Let’s have party coz it’s New Year time. Celebrate Happy New Year 2017 with me all the night, so that we can end the year together and start the new year together.
May you get succeed in the year 2017 and achieve all your goals you have set.
New Year arrives with hopes and it gives us new courage and belief for a very new start. Wish you a very Happy New Year.
Cheers to all .. ! New year 2017 is about to come. Before my mobile network gets jammed let me wish you a very happy new year..
May the New Year give you the strength to face the challenges of life and courage to adjust the sail so as to take every situation to your stride.
New Year is the time to remember all the memories we share, all the fun things we did, all the secrets we poured out for distance is the last thing that can create a rift in our friendship.
May this New Year give you the courage to triumph over your vices and embrace the virtues.

"New Year Begins Let us Pray, That It Will Be a Year with New Peace,
New Happiness, And Abundance of New Friends,
God Bless You Throughout the New Year!"

"Let the New Year Make you Correct all Your, Vices and Brush,
Up all Your Virtues as You, Strive to Put Your Best Foot,
Forward to Welcome 2015, Happy New Year!"

"Thank You for Pushing Me to Do Great Things,
Which I Thought I Cannot Do, I Hope To Follow,
Your Path So That I Can Also Be Called,
A “Boss” Someday. Happy New Year 2017!"

Happy New Year 2017Quotes in English :-

New Year is the day where the world falls into the celebration. The fireworks, lights and decoration are the most common thing which we see at that moment. We can see people moving here and there on the streets of the cities for shopping the garments, gifts, and decoration items.

"This Bright New Year Is Given Me To Live Each Day,
With Zest To Daily Grow And,
Try To Be My Highest And My Best...!"

"Naya Sawera Nayi Kiran Ke Sath, Naya Din Ek Pyari Si Muskaan Ke Sath,
Ap Ko Naya Saal Mubarik Ho Dher Sari Duaon Ke Sath,
Happy New Year 2017!"

"Naya Saal Aye Ban Ke Ujala Khul Jaye Ap Ki Kismat Ka Tala,
Hamesha Ap Par Rahe Mehirban Upar Wala Yahi Dua Karta Hai,
Ap Ka Yeh Chahne Wala, Happy New Year 2017!"

"Happy New Year It is time to forget the past,
and celebrate a new beginning!"

"This New Year eve, wish that the New year,
Ahead be as colorful as a rainbow,
Have A Happy New Year!"

"A brother is someone,
who is sweet & supportive,
kind and loving,
cheerful& inspiring,
a friend and my all time laughter,
Bro you mean so much more than words can say,
Happy New Year!"

"You are one of the best blessings,
For me sent from heaven,
Enjoy this New Year 2017 full of gifts,
Wishes and prayers,
Happy New Year!"

"I feel very blessed to be able to spend time my mom,
Family & very wonderful friends. Very grateful,
May only good things come this year,
Happy New Year 2017,
Happy New Year!"

"Please always know I love you,
and no one can take your place,
Years may come and go,
but your memory will never be erased ,
Happy New Year!"

"Vanish everything that's bad,
Welcome everything that's good,
Wish you a very happy new year 2017!"

"Lets celebrate this,
colorful New year,
with a smile,
Wish you Happy new year 2017!"

"2017 is at the door,
Life is short, break the rules,
Forgive quickly,
love truly,
laugh uncontrollably,
never regret anything that made you smile."

"I Made No Resolutions For The New Year,
The Habit of Making Plans,
Criticizing, Sanctioning,
And Molding My Life,
Is Too Much of,
A Daily Event For Me!"

"Just As A New Bloom Spreads,
Fragrance And Freshness Around,
May The New Year Add A New Beauty,
And Freshness Into Your Life!"

"Nights are Dark but Days are Light,
Wish your Life will always be Bright,
So my Dear don't get Fear,
Coz, God Gift us a "BRAND NEW YEAR".
Happy New Year!"



Sunday 21 August 2016

[Greeting Cards* ] Happy New Year 2017 Cards - New Year 2017 E-Cards HD

[Greeting Cards* ] Happy New Year 2017 Cards - New Year 2017 E-Cards HD

Happy New Year 2017 Cards: Hi, Friends I am back with one more article i.e, happy new year 2017 cards. Just we are 100 days to go happy new year 2017. On this day every one want to be sent Happy New Year 2017 cards, Happy New Year 2017 E-Cards, Happy New Year 2017 Greeting & Happy New Year 2017 HD Cards 


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Wednesday 10 August 2016

Happy New Year 2017 Fireworks - Wallpaper | Images

Happy New Year 2017 Fireworks - Wallpaper | Images


Happy New Year 2017 fireworks wallpaper images :- Happy New Year is the day for celebration all around the globe which is celebrated on 1st January. And just like every year this year also we will welcome Happy New Year 2017 with lot of fireworks. Happy New Year has very strong bond with fireworks in some most popular countries like US, India, UAE, UK, Spain, Russia etc.
This Pic Has been Captured on 2015

Happy New Year 2017 Fireworks

People search for Happy New Year fireworks wallpaper images to enjoy the celebration going on all around the globe. If you people are also looking for Happy New Year 2017 fireworks wallpaper images then, here we are uploading some great fireworks wallpaper images of New Year 2017.


Fireworks wallpaper images of New Year 2017

You people can send all these Happy New Year 2017 fireworks images wallpaper to your friends & loved ones to wish for New Year. You guys will definitely like these collections of New Year fireworks 2017 which we have collected from most popular cities around the globe.

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Merry Christmas Happy New Year 2017 Quotes Wallpaper

Merry Christmas Happy New Year 2017 Quotes Wallpaper

Holiday week 2016 will start shortly across all over the globe in Christian countries and people are very excited as it will bring double fun Merry Christmas 2016 & Happy New Year 2017. Both Merry Christmas & New Year is celebrated as the holiday among many countries. Many countries around the globe have holidays reserved for last week of December as it brings Christmas Celebration and New Year Celebrations. People all around the globe decorate their houses, bring Christmas tree, make recipes, invite friends & family members for dinner and have awesome celebrations for Christmas & New Year.

Happy New Year 2017 Quotes

Just Like every year, this year also people are planning to celebrate Merry Christmas & New Year 2017 wish their friends & loved ones. As this holiday week Merry Christmas & Happy New Year comes after every one year everyone wants to make this day memorable for whole year.

Happy New Year 2017 Wallpaper

You guys can also make your Merry Christmas & Happy New Year memorable by sending this awesome Merry Christmas Happy New Year quotes and Merry Christmas Happy New Year quotes wallpaper to your friends & loved ones.

So let’s make this holiday week 2016 as good as we want, so that we can remember it as good memories for our entire life.

Merry Christmas Happy New Year quotes


  • Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine; Love was born at Christmas; Star and angels gave the sign.
  • Christmas is most truly Xmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.
  • My heart is totally filled with things, That words alone can’t say, This comes especially for you, With love on Christmas Day.
  • My heart is totally filled with things, That words alone can’t say, This comes especially for you, With love on Christmas Day.
  • Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.
  • The Christmas spirit – love – changes hearts and lives.
  • Christmas is the time to let your heart do the thinking.
  • Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.

 Thanks to All



Wednesday 27 July 2016

Happy New Year 2017 - New Year Wishes and Pictures Collection

Happy New Year 2017 - New Year Wishes and Pictures Collection

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year has been celebrated worldwide every year on 1st January on the first day of year, according to the Gregorian calendar. Happy New Year is just the ending moment of the Christmas holiday season. On this beautiful day people exchanges lots of gifts between each other, greetings and Good wishes with their family and friends. Happy People welcome the New Year by throwing the full party in their houses, in their resorts, clubs or pubs on New Year eve, i.e. on 31st December. As a part of Happy New Year celebrations people at midnight hold special Happy new year events, entertainment activities and grand celebrations often observed with beautiful fireworks to welcome the happy New Year. Just like wishing and greetings for Christmas Day, we also need to send our best wishes and greetings for the Happy New Year 2017. In case, if you are interested in sending Happy New Year 2017 greetings to your friends and relatives, then we recommend you to check out this post on our blog



January 1, Has been representing the day to fresh start of fresh life forgetting all the bad memories of the past and enjoying the upcoming good days of New Year 2017. In different countries, New Year is been celebrated in different manners and different point of view. For example in European countries, New Year celebration blended with private fireworks. 

Must Read : New Year 2017 SMS,Wallpapers,Pictures,Quotes [English/Hindi] For Whatsapp/Facebook

People follows the historical tradition of sending best new wishes and new greetings for New Year to their friends, their family members and their one and only loved ones. Get the best wishes for new year from this blog. We know that many of you already have started for searching for Happy New Year 2017 wishes, greeting cards, messages and other ways of sending your best wishes to your near and near and dear loved ones. We have created this post of today in such a ear ones. We have created this post in such a way that it meets all your wanted requirements up to higher extent. In this post, you will find out few samples of Happy New Year 2017 wishes, greetings messages, SMS, HD wallpapers, sayings and quotes. After all happy New Year is the only time to send your best new year wishes and greetings to your loved ones to bless for the whole year.



Happy New Year 2017 Wishes and Pictures

Given bellow by us are the few samples of Happy New Year 2017 wishes and Happy New Year 2017 Pictures that we have collected for you. Also, find out some collection of new year 2017 SMS, 2017 quotes and HD wallpapers which you can exchange with your friends and colleagues. Before, we covered some nice new year 2017 Pictures with our readers which you can go through as well. I assure you that, you will get here some nice blending of all the necessary stuff required to send your best wishes for Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year 2017 Wishes:

To Send best New year wishes for New Year is a very old tradition and it the best way to convey your love and warm regards to your friends and family members. We are presenting a few samples of Happy New Year wishes as follows: 


May the fireworks of New Year 2017 eve bring glooming lights of success and happiness in your life. Happy New Year my dear friend 



May New Year 2017 is the messenger of joy, peace, happiness and good tidings that brings you ever wished for. Happy New Year



I wish and pray god to fulfill all your wishes this year and may you achieve all your goals to become successful in life. Happy New Year 2017
   It’s my New Year wish for you dear, May this new year, fill your life with cheer, Brings you joy and prosperity for the whole year.

Happy New Year 2017 Greetings Messages:

Dear Friends We also have made a collection of few samples of New Year greetings as follows. Send New Year best greeting messages to your lovable friends and respectable family members from here.

Welcome New Year 2017
 With a smile
  A spirit of giving
 A sense of humanity
 A pledge to spread,
 Joy, peace and happiness.



I am sending you twelve roses
 One rose for each month
  So as to wish you 12 months of
 Health and happiness and
 365 days of togetherness with loved ones
 Happy New Year



We pray to god that New Year will be the year of peace,
happiness and success for you. May you always keep
in your heart the special beauty and cheer of New Year.
God Bless you throughout the year.

Happy New Year 2017 SMS:

Teenagers are always found of sending SMS on any special occasion or festival. Therefore, we are giving here few SMS of Happy New Year 2017, which you can exchange among your best friends.
To all my friends It’s my advice
To touch every one’s heart
By bringing smile to every face
No one is happy all the time,
But all of us try to bring happiness to their lives
May God give us the ability
Happy New Year



May the new sun of New Year bring
Lots of Happiness and joy to you and
Your loved ones
Happy New Year 2017

This New Year
Receive my simple gift of love
Wrapped with sincerity
Tide with care &
Sealed with blessings
To keep you safe and happy all the life long
Happy New Year

You might be a little bit older,
A little bit wiser;
A little bit rounder;
But still none the wiser.
Hope this New Year turns that around.
Wish you a very Happy New Year

Quotes for New Year 2017 : 

New Year 2017 quotes are always inspiring and always help to make New Year’s best resolutions. We hereby provides few quotes for Happy New Year 2017.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day for you in the New Year

Cheers for the New Year and another chance for us to make right the things, which done wrong in the past.
I feel happiness and love when you are near, your memories make me happy when you are far away.

Tomorrow is the first blank page of 365 pages book. Be careful; write a good one with no mistakes.

Happy New Year HD Wallpapers :

Find here the collection of Happy New Year 2017 HD wallpapers for your desktop and laptops. To download these nice new year wallpapers, just you required to click on the wallpaper and save it to your system. It is advisable to change the wallpapers of your desktop PC or laptops daily to bring the atmosphere of festival in your office. 


New Year is the festival of spreading of love and happiness among all the people by wishing new year and best greeting them. We hope you like our post on Happy New Year 2017, it contains all the essential elements which you have required to send out your best wishes and greetings. 

Watch A Funny Video Bellow :  :p :D :)

For more wishes for New Year 2017, check out our previous post on Best New Year greetings. You will also find articles on Christmas 2016 on our blog. Stay with us, we are publishing more interesting topics on New Year 2017 very soon.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

New Year 2017 SMS,Wallpapers,Pictures,Quotes [English/Hindi] For Whatsapp/Facebook

New Year 2017 SMS,Wallpapers,Pictures,Quotes [English/Hindi] For Whatsapp/FacebookNew Year 2017 SMS,Wallpapers, Pictures, Quotes [English/Hindi] For Whatsapp/Facebook


Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year  2017:- The year 2016 is ending soon and it has left only one month from this year and most of the people only remember all the things at the end of the year. Then they think about 1 year would be wasted in their life and not do the good things. When we taken the survey and asked about the people opinion about the last year good and bad things and the answered would be different from different peoples around the world. Some of the peoples it would be good and some of the them it would be bad. But always people welcome the new-year with more expectations and celebration to pray god to give this year good for their life.


Happy New Year 2017 Animation

New Year celebrations start with different ways like parties, get together or help some other people on that day. Anyway we will welcome the new year with good energy.

Happy New Year 2017 SMS

When New Year start then the calendar begins with 1 day and it would be increment by 1 at day by day. In around the world the New Year celebrates with different events. The New Year start from Gregorian calendar around the world and it appear from Roman and Julian calendar as well. January 1st is treating as international holiday all around the world.


Happy New Year 2017 Wallpaper

Happy New Year Wallpapers Greetings 2017

In earlier days, the Julian calendar was used mostly all round the world and the New Year’s Day is celebrates from March 1st. After some years back it was moved to January 1st according to the Gregorian calendar.


Happy New Year 2017 In INDIA


Happy New Year 2017 Messages

In all over the world, the traditions and celebrations in Canada is more popular for New Year Celebration particularly in Toronto and Niagara Waterfalls. The party begins in late night with sports events as well. In some other places the people eat fish and take Alcoholic beverages with their friends and relatives.


Happy New Year 2017 Cards

People celebrate New Year Day party at midnight and they wish on this day to the world people. People decorate their homes and make some colors with the party to wishes a day good year. The color red represent good sings and improvements in their lifestyle, the color yellow denotes blessings to get good employment and the color green indicate the financial strength and get good health as well. In the main day people eat sweet bread and charm for getting good luck for the coming year.


In United State of America the new year celebration start with get together party and social activities done in public places. The main activity is Ball drop in the city of New York time square, this mainly inspire the people to give good sign. A Crystal ball locates in the roof of the tower and put in the high of 70 feet to start the New Year. 

Happy New Year 2017 Quotes in English/Hindi/Bangla


In midnight the clocks crossed the 12 pm then New Year day started. These celebrations focused on Big and broadcasted in London direct live from the BBC Channel in the year of 1984 and the previous year celebrations were broadcasted in Scotland as well.


Happy New Year 2017 Quotes [ENGLISH/HINDI]

In India the celebrations takes place in the metros cities like Mumbai, Bangalore etc., The day start with fireworks and street racking on places, Goa is the most celebration part in India for new year celebrations. Most admired place is Goa and lot of tourist peoples and live concepts on Hollywood starts. According to this day the tradition of puja are held in the place to get good year.

And the Medial Channels host several good films and special shows on this events.
Happy New Year 2017 Messages
Happy New Year 2017 Wishes, SMS and Greetings
Happy New Year 2017 Messages for 2017
Happy New Year 2017 Messages for Girlfriend
Happy New Year 2017 Funny Messages
Happy New Year 2017 Text Messages

The Celebrations in China on the Lunar New Year and celebrate throughout the few weeks. Most of the celebrate take place in Blue Harbor Shopping area on special events and monument place of Great wall of China. 

Happy New Year 2017 In Hong Kong

In Hong Kong people celebrate Tsim Sha with candle lights at night party at harbor area. The count down of 60 mins shown in the lights of big LED screen and show the different colors and lights in the screens.

Happy new Year Status for  Whatsapp & Facebook


In Indonesia the New Year Celebration are take place in urban area to celebrate more on Hotels and Restaurants. Special dishes and meals are taken place to celebrate people with their own friends and relatives. The fireworks are the most important shows in every New Year celebration.

Happy New Year 2017 Indonesia

Last Word : Wishing the Happy New Year Wishes, Quotes Happy Chinese New Year Wishes Quotes Happy New Year Wishes Messages Happy New Year Wishes 2017 Happy New Year Wishes Poem Happy New Year Greetings Wishing you a Happy New Year Quotes are wishes coming true for their lifes.


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